Check out the latest information below!
Step 1: Submit all forms and required materials to NFMC, linked here.
Step 2: After submission and payment, Please notify Composition Chair, Lisa Moore.
Junior 4 (age 16-18)
1st Place: $500.00 and a ribbon
2nd Place: $350.00 and a ribbon
Honorable Mention: Ribbon
Junior 3 (age 13-15)
1st Place: $400.00 and a ribbon
2nd Place: $250.00 and a ribbon
Honorable Mention: Ribbon
*NFMC offers additional awards up to $300
Junior 2 (age 10-12)
1st Place: $200.00 and a ribbon
2nd Place: $150.00 and a ribbon
Honorable Mention: Ribbon
Junior 1 (age 9 and under)
1st Place: $100.00 and a ribbon
2nd Place: $50.00 and a ribbon
Honorable Mention: Ribbon
*NFMC offers additional awards up to $300
Information and Qualifying Rules
Through this contest, sponsored by the Florida Federation of Music Clubs, Inc., junior composers through the age of 18 have the opportunity to express their musical creativity by writing their own compositions. Any medium is accepted (keyboard, voice, other instruments or any combination thereof).
Judges take into account both content and musicianship when judging. They give equal consideration to handwritten manuscripts and computer-generated manuscripts. The abilities of the entrants for the age bracket in which they are entered are taken into account. Students will receive valuable feedback from judges.
1. Membership in FFMC/NFMC is required.
2. Composition scores may be produced and notated via a notation software program (MuseScore, Sibelius, Forte) or hand notated.
3. Composition must have the title, composer’s name, age, and class in the upper right corner of each sheet of the composition. If there are lyrics, the name of the lyricist must appear in the upper left corner. In order to receive credit for a vocal line as an additional instrument, students must notate a melody for the singer, not merely write lyrics between the staves of a piano score.
4. The scores must then be converted or scanned to PDF and submitted in that format online at the NFMC registration portal.
5. The composition must be digitally recorded in MP3 format only.
6. Ties are not permitted.
7. National first place winners in any class may not win in that class again.
8. Juniors may enter only one composition in the FFMC State Junior Composer's Contest.
If you are a first or second place winner at the state level, your composition will be forwarded to the Southeast Regional Chair for the next level of competition on your behalf. The regional winners are then forwarded to the National Federation of Music Clubs for final adjudication.
Federation Cup
For a nominal fee, student can earn points toward a Federation Cup in Composition. The $6.00 optional cup fee must be paid with the entry fee at the time of the application. As with cup events entered at your area festival, points build each year based on the rating. (No cup fee: no points.) The first cup is awarded at 15 points. As points accumulate, the student continues to earn larger cups: 30 points, 45 points. 60 points. A young student who enters and does well every year can possibly earn a Grand Cup (75 points) by Grade 12.
Average Score and Rating Points
90-100: Superior, two or more instruments, 8 points
90-100: Superior, single instrument, 7 points
80-89: Excellent, 6 points
70-79: Satisfactory, 5 points